Nowadays, it can be seen and found easily in higher education environment, namely the online learning phenomenon. Since COVID-19 pandemic, online learning has become a very common phenomenon both in public and private higher education. The learning system has become a pattern or design that is "ingrained" in our higher education. The implication made the learning shifts from "the process of changing the student's self" to "only getting cognitive value". As a consequence, the learning process does not touch the substantive dimensions of education that actually provide a foundation of faith and knowledge simultaneously and in integrated manner. Learning is only interpreted as the process of getting a "final grade" symbolizing having carried out learning. For this reason, the researcher tried to provide a reflection on this phenomenon by trying to map out the problems of higher education learning after COVID-19 pandemic; and also tried to explain this problem critically to provide an explanation or description of conditions on education learning after pandemic. Researcher tried to offer a concept to be discussed together as a higher education learning discourse. Indeed, this reflection is focused on observations of the hybrid learning pattern that is oftenly carried out by lecturers at the state and private universities. It can be considered as a form of anxiety regarding the conditions of higher education learning after pandemic; or also as an explanation of the challenges faced by higher education.