Apstrakt:Internet je informacije i znanje učinio lako dostupnim svima, što je drastično povećalo mogućnosti za unapređenje obrazovanja svakog pojedinca. Masovni otvoreni onlajn kursevi (MOOK) su postali globalno prisutni u neformalnom i doživotnom obrazovanju miliona ljudi (u manjem obimu postali su i deo formalnog visokog obrazovanja, ukoliko matični univerzitet priznaje pomenuti kurs studenta). Poslednjih godina se značajno povećao broj institucija koje stvaraju MOOK. Mogućnosti za sticanje znanja, iskustava, veština i komuniciranje koje su stvorili MOOK nisu dovoljno iskorišćene i u realizaciji su uočeni problemi (kurseve uspešno završi manje od 10% prijavljenih učesnika). Cilj ovog rada je da predstavi trenutno stanje u razvoju masovnih otvorenih onlajn kurseva i da prikaže rezultate pilot istraživanja u kojem je učestvovalo 83 studenta sa sedam fakulteta Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. Rezultati pokazuju da 53% studenata nije znalo da MOOK postoje i da je samo 10,8% studenata pohađalo ove kurseve. Svi studenti koji su pohađali kurseve su bili više nego zadovoljni. Istraživanje je nastavljeno kako bi se uključili i studenti sa drugih univerziteta i fakulteta u Srbiji. Autori smatraju da bi studente trebalo informisati i upoznati sa MOOK platformama, jer kroz ove kurseve studenti mogu proširiti znanje stečeno na fakultetu.
Abstract:The Internet has made information and knowledge widely and easily accessible, which significantly increased the possibilities for improving education of each individual. Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) have become globally present in informal and lifelong education of millions of people around the globe, and to a lesser extent, these types of courses have become part of formal undergraduate and graduate programmes, provided that such courses are recognized by the university. There has been a significant increase in the number of institutions offering MOOCs over the past few years. However, the opportunities to gain knowledge, experience, communication and other necessary skills via MOOCs are not fully utilized due to numerous limitations (less than 10% of participants successfully completed such online courses). The aim of this paper is to present the current situation in developing MOOCs and to present the results of the pilot study, involving 83 students from seven faculties of the University of Novi Sad. The results show that 53% of students have never heard of MOOCs, while only 10,8% of students attended such courses. Moreover, the survey indicates that students had numerous benefits from attending such courses. The research was continued in order to take into consideration the results of the survey at other universities and faculties in Serbia. The authors believe that students should be provided with more information about MOOC platforms, since such courses enable students to expand knowledge gained at their faculties.
Ključne reči:MOOK, učenje na daljinu, otvoreni obrazovni resursi, neformalno obrazovanje studenata.