We report the limits of superheating of water and supercooling of vapor from Monte Carlo simulations using microscopic models with configurational enthalpy as the order parameter. The superheating limit is well reproduced. The vapor is predicted to undergo spinodal decomposition at a temperature of T vap sp ¼ 46 AE 10°C (0°C ≪ T vap sp ≪ 100°C) under 1 atm. The water-water network begins to form at the supercooling limit of the vapor. Three-dimensional water-water and cavity-cavity unbroken networks are interwoven at critically superheated liquid water; if either network breaks, the metastable state changes to liquid or vapor. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.157802 PACS numbers: 61.20.Ja, 64.60.Q−, 64.70.F− Water is presumably the most used and the most studied substance among all the chemicals known to mankind. In particular, scientists have been attracted to the diverse structures of water clusters, liquid, and ice resulting from different orientations of hydrogen bonds and the associated phenomena [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]. However, the liquid-vapor transition of water has been a subject of less intense investigation [15,16] because of difficulties in both experiment and computation due to the complicated metastable states separating the liquid and vapor phases. Given that everyday life experiences water evaporation and dew drops, it is ironic that these physical or chemical phenomena are not adequately understood. Simply, we are familiar with the generally learned fact that water boils at 100°C or 373 K at 1 atm. However, water can be superheated up to 603 K at 1 atm, and water vapor can be supercooled considerably below the boiling point [17][18][19][20][21] though the limit of supercooling is not known yet. This is due to unfavorable energetics at the formation of the liquid-vapor interface, which allow for the temporary existence of metastable states. According to the classical nucleation theory, the metastable states can be kept stable until stochastic fluctuations create the so-called critical cluster, which then grows spontaneously to make a new phase [22].However, these metastable states cease to exist when the liquid or vapor is brought to its stability limit, or spinodal. In this case, where the mother phase completely loses its thermodynamic stability, the phase transition takes place via spinodal decomposition [23]. It differs from classical nucleation in which the phase transition takes place at localized regions of space. Instead, the phase transition is considered to proceed by merging small embryos of daughter phase distributed uniformly over the space [24]. The lifetime of systems near the stability limit is too short to allow for accurate experimental determination of the spinodal. Hence, predicting the stability limit from a microscopic model of matter is of immense importance, given that there are a plethora of phenomena depending on the metastability throughout biology, meteorology, and industry [22].In this Letter, based on targeted sampling of metastable and unsta...