832ipyrone (metamizole) is an antipyretic analgesic that was introduced into clinical practice in 1922. The drug is indicated for severe pain conditions, especially those associated with smooth muscle spasm or colic affecting the gastrointestinal, biliary or urinary tracts. Moreover, it is useful for the treatment of cancer pain and migraine as well as fever refractory to other treatments.
1Dipyrone is a pro-drug that undergoes non-enzymatic hydrolysis in the stomach to form 4-methylamino-antipyrine (4-MAA). This active metabolite is rapidly and almost completely absorbed. Nausea, vomiting, gastric irritaDipyrone, Great Killer or Innocent as Any Drug: Two Case Reports Presenting Rare and Life-Threatening Adverse Effects of Dipyrone A AB BS ST TR RA AC CT T Dipyrone is a potent analgesic and antipyretic drug that has been used clinically for more than 80 years. In some parts of the world, it has been banned because of its association with agranulocytosis. We reported two different cases, presenting with rare but life-threatening adverse effects of dipyrone. First case was a 63-year-old woman that presented to the emergency department with fever. She had developed neutropenia after taking a 500 mg oral dipyrone tablet and following further evaluation was diagnosed with dipyrone-induced agranulocytosis. Second case was a 70-year-old man who presented to the emergency department with diffuse erythematous skin rash after dipyrone injection and was diagnosed with toxic epidermal necrolysis associated with dipyrone. The balance between the benefit and harm is particularly important. Nevertheless, agranulocytosis is not the only life-threatening risk with dipyrone use and limiting the discussion of risks of dipyrone to agranulocytosis leads to an underestimation of the dangers of the drug.K Ke ey y W Wo or rd ds s: : Dipyrone; adverse effects; agranulocytosis; epidermal necrolysis, toxic Ö ÖZ ZE ET T Dipiron, 80 yıldır kullanılan güçlü bir analjezik ve antipiretiktir. Dünyanın bazı bölgele-rinde agranülositoz riski nedeniyle bu ilacın kullanımı yasaklanmıştır. Bu makalede, dipirona bağlı nadir fakat ölümcül olabilen yan etkiler ortaya çıkan iki olgu sunulmuştur. Birinci olgu ateş nedeniyle ağızdan 500 mg dipiron tablet kullandıktan sonra acil servise nötropeni ile başvuran 63 yaşında bir kadındır. İkinci olgu, dipiron enjeksiyonundan sonra acil servise difüz eritematöz döküntülerle başvuran ve toksik epidermal nekroliz tanısı alan 70 yaşında bir erkektir. Bir ilaç için fayda-zarar dengesi çok önemlidir. Dipiron kullanımına bağlı hayatı tehdit eden tek yan etki agranülositoz değildir ve tartışmaları sadece bununla sınırlamak, potansiyel diğer tehlikelerin dikkatten kaçmasına yol açabilir.A An na ah ht ta ar r K Ke el li im me el le er r: : Dipiron; istenmeyen etkiler; agranülositoz; epidermal nekrolizis, toksik T Tu ur rk ki iy ye e K Kl li in ni ik kl le er ri i J J M Me ed d S Sc ci i 2 20 01 12 2; ;3 32 2( (3 3) ): :8 83 32 2--6 6