The experimental analysis of steam direct contact condensation in a water pool at sub-atmospheric condition was carried out in relevant configurations for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Vacuum Vessel Pressure Suppression System, during a postulated Ingress of Coolant Event category IV accidental scenario. This transient accident was experimentally simulated in a reduced scale (1:22) facility at University of Pisa, adopting a defined scaling law. The steam jet plumes were video recorded and image analysis was performed at stable and interfacial oscillation condensation regimes, providing steam plume average length and interfacial area. The average heat transfer coefficient was therefore computed and correlated to the condensation driving potential. Also, the steam jet length divided by orifice diameter (L/D) was characterised as function of driving potential. Empirical correlations available in literature at atmospheric conditions were modified for evaluating vacuum conditions peculiarities. The remarkable higher dependence of heat transfer coefficient (HTC) to driving potential parameter, at vacuum conditions, was highlighted by the driving potential exponent equal to 1.2 instead of 0.04 at ambient pressure. The obtained L/D and HTCcorrelations are able to predict with ± 15% and ± 30% of error the corresponding experimental data, respectively.