The design of introduces a multi-mode transmulti-plexer (TMUX) structure capable of generating a great set of user-bandwidths and center frequencies. The structure utilizes fixed integer sampling rate conversion (SRC) blocks, Farrow-based variable interpolation and decimation structures, and variable frequency shifters. A main advantage of this TMUX is that it needs only one filter design beforehand. Specifically, the filters in the fixed integer SRC blocks as well as the subfilters of the Farrow structure are designed only once.
Then, all possible combinations of bandwidths and center frequencies are obtained by p r o p e r l y a d j u s t i n g t h e variable d e l a y p a r a m e t e r of t h e Farrowbased filters and the variable parameters of the frequency shifters. The paper includes examples for demonstration.It also shows that, using the rational SRC equivalent of the Farrow-based filters, the TMUX can be described in terms of conventional multirate building blocks which may be u sef ul in further analysis of the overall system.