For stimuli near perceptual threshold, the trial-by-trial activity of single neurons in many sensory areas is correlated with the animal's perceptual report. This phenomenon has often been attributed to feedforward readout of the neural activity by the downstream decision-making circuits. The interpretation of choice-correlated activity is quite ambiguous, but its meaning can be better understood in the light of population-wide correlations among sensory neurons. Using a statistical nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique on single-trial ensemble recordings from the middle temporal area during perceptual-decision-making, we extracted low-dimensional neural trajectories that captured the population-wide fluctuations. We dissected the particular contributions of sensory-driven versus choice-correlated activity in the low-dimensional population code. We found that the neural trajectories strongly encoded the direction of the stimulus in single dimension with a temporal signature similar to that of single MT neurons. If the downstream circuit were optimally utilizing this information, choice-correlated signals should be aligned with this stimulus encoding dimension. Surprisingly, we found that a large component of the choice information resides in the subspace orthogonal to the stimulus representation inconsistent with the optimal readout view. This misaligned choice information allows the feedforward sensory information to coexist with the decision-making process. The time course of these signals suggest that this misaligned contribution likely is feedback from the downstream areas. We hypothesize that this non-corrupting choice-correlated feedback might be related to learning or reinforcing sensory-motor relations in the sensory population.
Author summaryIn sensorimotor decision-making, internal representation of sensory stimuli is utilized for the generation of appropriate behavior for the context. Therefore, the correlation between variability in sensory neurons and perceptual decisions is sometimes explained by a causal, feedforward role of sensory noise in behavior. However, this correlation could also originate via feedback from decision-making mechanisms downstream of the sensory representation. This cannot be resolved by analyzing single unit responses, but requires a population level analysis. Area MT contains both sensory and choice information and is known to be the key sensory area for visual motion perception. Thus the decision-making process may be corrupting the sensory representation. However, we find that the sensory stimuli and choice variables are separate at the population level, Introduction 1 Sensory cortical neurons exhibit substantial variability to repeated presentations of the 2 same stimulus [1,2]. This variability depends on the specifics of the sensory stimulus 3 and task being performed [3][4][5][6][7], and is often correlated with the trial-by-trial perceptual 4 report of the animal [8][9][10][11]. This trial-by-trial correlation between neural responses and 5 perceptual reports, ...