OBJECTIVES: To investigate the ®bre type composition of skeletal muscle in infants and young children and to compare the ®ndings to an adult population. To relate the ®bre type pro®le of skeletal muscle in adults to measures of adiposity. DESIGN: Cross-sectional studies of skeletal muscle ®bre composition in infants and adults with measures of adiposity in the adults. SUBJECTS: 21 healthy infants and young children (age: 3±21 months) and 40 healthy adult Australian Caucasians (age: 26±62 y; BMI: 18±48 kg/m 2 ). MEASUREMENTS: Skeletal muscle ®bre type composition (by myosin ATPase method) and relative body fatness (BMI, waist circumference and waist/hip ratio (WHR)). RESULTS: Infants and young children had signi®cantly lesser proportions of glycolytic Type 2b ®bres (6.2 AE 1.1%; range 0.3±18.9%) compared with adults (20.5 AE 1.6%; range 4.9±36.0%) (p`0.0001). The percentage of Type 2b ®bres was directly related to BMI (r 0.44, p 0.02), waist circumference (r 0.49, p 0.009) and WHR (r 0.44, p 0.02) in adults. A signi®cant, direct relationship was also found between the proportion of glycolytic Type 2b ®bres and age in the adults (r 0.45, p 0.01). CONCLUSION: Skeletal muscle ®bre type composition is different in infants and adults and there is an age-dependent increase in Type 2b ®bres over the lifespan. An increased proportion of glycolytic Type 2b ®bres is associated with obesity in adults. Results support a gene-environment interaction on ®bre type composition in human skeletal muscle.