Differences in dentition between species relate to feeding specialisations, as examples of tetrapod dentition variation show clearly. The association of tooth traits and specialisations in non-mammalian vertebrates is less studied. We examined variation in dental traits in four sympatric morphs of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) which differ in feeding specialisations, head and jaw bone morphology. We studied tooth numbers in six bones (dentary, maxilla, premaxilla, palatine, vomer and glossohyal) and tooth angles in one bone (maxilla). We found fluctuating asymmetry in tooth numbers and angles and that the allometry of tooth numbers varied by bone but not morphs. The tooth numbers differed by morphs in four bones (dentary, palatine, vomer and glossohyal). In general, the morphs defined as pelagic had more teeth, and this relates partially to changes in bone shape. There was a difference in maxilla tooth angle, with benthic morphs having teeth which were angled more inwards. Dentary and maxilla tooth number correlated moderately with bone shape, maxilla tooth angle and premaxilla tooth number did not. While it is currently unknown what tooth characteristics are ancestral vs derived in these populations, the marked differences in specific bones presents an opportunity to explore rapid adaptive evolution in dentition.