“…DLK1 is a non-canonical notch ligand interacting with the Delta-Notch signaling pathway, which is involved in cell fate decisions, progenitor maintenance and cell differentiation (Bray, 2006;Fiúza and Arias, 2007;D'Souza et al, 2010). DLK1 is widely expressed during embryonic development of mammals (Falix et al, 2013), but in the adult its expression is downregulated and highly restricted to certain organs, including adrenal chromaffin cells (Jensen et al, 1993;Larsen et al, 1996;Hedlund et al, 2003). Despite its widespread expression during embryonic development, mice carrying deletions of DLK1 display relatively mild deficits, including a partially penetrant neonatal lethality, growth retardation, skeletal deficits and accelerated adiposity (Moon et al, 2002;Appelbe et al, 2013).…”