“…The index is comparable across countries and can be used in a panel data format. 1 We use the following demand model ( Demir et al, 2019 ; Santana-Gallego et al, 2020 ); where LnITA i , t and LnITA i , t −1 is the natural logarithm of tourist arrivals at time t and t-1 for country i, respectively; LnPI i , t is the natural logarithm of the Pandemics Index; LnGDPPC i , t is the natural logarithm of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita; LnOPEN i , t is the natural logarithm of ratio of sum of exports & imports to GDP; LnEXH i , t is the natural logarithm of domestic currency per $. Year fixed effects ( λ t ) are included to control for trends and common shocks to countries.…”