Today, the use of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is
increasing rapidly in medical diagnosis, therefore evaluation of
patient's dose is a very important issue in radiation protection of
patients. This study aimed to evaluate the patient-specific dose
using CBCT images. Since CBCT images only showed a part of the head
and while, the total anatomical specification of the head should be
defined for dose assessment, therefore the whole parts of the head
were generated using the data of the Extended Cardiac-Torso (XCAT)
reference phantoms and pseudo-images were created. Tissue densities
were calculated by the voxel values of pseudo-images and were used
as the input file of Gate8.2 Monte Carlo (MC) code. Also, the GIANO
CBCT unit was simulated and the absorbed dose was calculated by the
code. For verification of this method, Rando phantom with embedded
thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD) with different protocols was
used. The results of MC calculations and TLD measurements were
compared and statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS
Statistics. The calculated effective dose values determined by CBCT
images for three different Temporomandibular joint, Single-Arch, and
Both-Arch protocols were found to be 87 ± 3 μSv,
64 ± 1 μSv, and 66 ± 2 μSv, and the results of
thermoluminescence dosimetry were 86 ± 2 μSv,
57 ± 1 μSv, and 63 ± 3 μSv, respectively. There
were no significant differences (P-Value>0.05) between the results
of MC calculations using CBCT images and the results of TLD
dosimeters. In this study, a method for patient-specific dose
assessment using CBCT images was introduced. It was shown that the
dose of patients with its specification can be evaluated by CBCT
images with acceptable accuracy.