The oneâdimensional dynamics of nonlinear electrostatic dustâion acoustic waves (DIAWs), in a plasma containing Kaniadakisâdistributed electrons, fluid ions, and variableâcharge dust grains has been investigated. The Îșâgeneralized electron charging current is derived based on the orbitâmotion limited approach. The reductive perturbation technique has been used to derive a KdV Burger equation of propagation. We have highlighted the dependence between the values of the dust particles charge Qd0 and the validity domain of the Kaniadakis parameter Îș, where the Burger term C has positive. By integrating the KdV Burger equation numerically and assuming a laboratory dusty plasma, a transition from oscillatory to monotonic shock waves is observed with increasing values of Îș. We have also found that the phase velocity of DIA shock waves decreases, and the dissipation can prevail over that of dispersion as the electrons move further away from thermal equilibrium (Îș is increased). The coexistence of compressive and rarefactive of monotonic shock profile is observed. It is found that an increase in Îș leads to an increase of the compressive monotonic shock wave and decrease the rarefactive monotonic shock wave.