OBJECTIVE. The purposeof this studywas to assessthe potentialfor improvedlesion detection in the posterior disk attachment and its surrounding tissue in temporomandibular disorderswhengadolinium-enhanced MR imagingperformedwith fat suppression is used.
MATERIALSAND METHODS. Forty-five patients underwent MR imaging withconventional Ti-and T2-weighted, gadolinium-enhanced Ti-weighted, and gadolinium-enhanced fat suppressed spin-echo imaging sequences. Qualitative and quantitative assessments of the contrast enhancement of eachtypeof imagingwerealsoperformed.RESULTS. The contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed Ti-weightedimagingsequence had severaladvantages over theotherimagingtechniquesin detectingabnormalitiesof the poste rior disk attachment and in detecting bone marrow lesions in the mandibular condyle. The most significant advantage was better enhancement of lesion conspicuity. The diagnostic ac curacy of contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed imaging was 77% versus70% for conventional contrast-enhanced imaging. The kappa value for interobserver agreement was .95 for contrast enhancedfat-suppressed imagingand.72 for conventional contrast-enhanced imaging.
CONCLUSION. Contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed Tl-weightedspin-echo MR imagingis a valuable technique for visualizing the extent and degree of lesions in the posterior disk at tachment and bone marrow lesions in the mandibular condyle.
M R imagingis becomingevermoreeffective in characterizing internal derangement and arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint [1â€"51.Prominent contrast enhancement of the posteriordiskat tachmenton spoiled gradient-echoMR images is useful for differentiating intraarticular from extraarticular causes of pain in and around the temporomandibularjoint [6]. roundingfattytissue. To our knowledge,thecombineduseof fat suppression and gadoliniumenhancement in the imaging of the temporomandibular joint has not been reported in the literature. The purpose of our study was to optimize con trast-enhanced fat-suppressed MR imagingof the temporomandibular joint and to deter mine whether this technique improves the contrast enhancement of images obtained in patients with temporomandibular disorders.
Materialsand Methods
PhantomStudiesSix stationaiy phantom studies were conducted us ing plastic vials appmximately 1 inch (2.54 cm) in di ameterand 5 inches(12.7 cm)in lengththatcontained gadopentetate dimeglumine in plasmain concentra tionsof 0-2.5 mmol/l.Weexamined therelationship betweenthe concentrationof gadopentetatedimeglu minein plasma andthesignal intensitywhenimages were obtained using spoiled gradient-echoand Ti weighted spin-echo sequences.Parameters for the spoiled gradient-echo MR im agingof thephantoms included TRITE= 35/8,flipangle of 600 20-cm field of view, and two excita tions.Imagematrixwas256x 192pixels.Thesec tion thicknesswas 10mm.Ti-weightedspin-echo MRimagingwasperformed usingTRIFE= 300/12,