Spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs in a physical system whenever the ground state does not share the symmetry of the underlying theory, e.g., the Hamiltonian. This mechanism gives rise to massless Nambu-Goldstone modes and massive AndersonHiggs modes. These modes provide a fundamental understanding of matter in the Universe and appear as collective phase or amplitude excitations of an order parameter in a many-body system. The amplitude excitation plays a crucial role in determining the critical exponents governing universal nonequilibrium dynamics in the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM). Here, we characterize the amplitude excitations in a spin-1 condensate and measure the energy gap for different phases of the quantum phase transition. At the quantum critical point of the transition, finite-size effects lead to a nonzero gap. Our measurements are consistent with this prediction, and furthermore, we demonstrate an adiabatic quench through the phase transition, which is forbidden at the mean field level. This work paves the way toward generating entanglement through an adiabatic phase transition.adiabatic quenches | amplitude excitations | quantum phase transition T he amplitude mode and phase mode describe two distinct excitation degrees of freedom of a complex order parameter ψ = Ae iϕ appearing in many quantum systems such as the order parameter of the Ginzburg-Laudau superconducting phase transition (1) and the two-component quantum field of the NambuGoldstone-Anderson-Higgs matter field model (2-5). In a zerodimensional system of an interacting spin-1 condensate, the transverse spin, S ⊥ , plays the role of an order parameter in the quantum phase transition (QPT) with S ⊥ being zero in the polar (P) phase and nonzero in the broken axisymmetry (BA) phase (Fig. 1A). Representing the transverse spin vector as a complex number, S ⊥ = S x + iS y , with the real and imaginary parts being expectation values of spin-1 operators, the amplitude mode corresponds to the amplitude oscillation of S ⊥ .The amplitude mode can be studied in different spinor phases by tuning the relative strengths of the quadratic Zeeman energy per particle q ∝ B 2 and spin interaction energy c of the condensate (6) by varying the magnetic field strength B (Fig. 1). In the P phase, both the effective spinor potential energy V and the ground state (GS) spin vector have SO(2) rotational symmetry about the vertical axis (Fig. 1A), and there are two degenerate collective amplitude modes along the radial directions about the GS located at the bottom of the parabolic bowl. These amplitude excitations are gapped modes, which vary both the amplitude of S ⊥ and the energy.In the BA phase, the effective spinor potential energy V acquires a Mexican-hat shape with the GS occupying the minimal energy ring of radius ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 4c 2 − q 2 p =ð2jcjÞ. The GS spin vector, S ⊥ (orange arrow in Fig. 1A), spontaneously breaks the SO(2) symmetry and acquires a definite direction (7,8). This broken symmetry induces a massless Na...