The use of shearing during pregnancy has been described as a tool for improving productivity in sheep and for minimizing perinatal mortality in lambs through the increase of fetal development. This study assessed the effect of shearing around 74 days of gestation on the productive performance of ewes and lambs during the first month of life. Forty Corriedale ewes were inseminated in autumn in Southern Brazil. All ewes were kept together at the same pasture under extensive husbandry conditions. The ewes were randomly separated into two treatment groups: twenty animals were completely sheared at 74 ± 6 days of pregnancy, and twenty were kept without sheared during pregnancy, composing the control group. Ewes and their lambs were evaluated at three different times during the experiment: at birth, between 15 and 21 days post-partum and between 22 and 45 days post-partum. Ewes had their body condition score, body weight, placental weight, milk production and serum concentrations of beta-hydroxybutyrate measured, while lambs had hematocrit, hemoglobin, and plasma lactate and glucose, as well as body weight at birth and until wean determined. Values of hematocrit and hemoglobin were lower and body weight at birth and at wean was higher in the group of lambs born from sheared ewes. Placenta weight was higher in sheared ewes. Body condition score and beta-hydroxybutyrate showed no differences between groups. Milk production of sheared ewes (1.26 L/day) was higher than in control group (0.93 L/day). Shearing ewes at 74 days of pregnancy was efficient for the better development of lambs at post-birth, reducing perinatal mortality rates. Keywords: beta-hydroxybutyrate; lambs; milk yield; metabolism; placenta weight. GUYOTI, V.M. et al. Cienc. anim. bras. v.16,n.2, p. 217-224 abr./jun. 2015Resumo O uso da esquila durante a gestação tem sido descrita em ovelhas como ferramenta para aumentar a produtividade e minimizar a mortalidade perinatal em cordeiros por aumentar o desenvolvimento fetal. No presente estudo foi avaliado o efeito da esquila em torno dos 74 dias de gestação sobre o desempenho produtivo de ovelhas e no peso de seus cordeiros durante o primeiro mês de vida. Quarenta ovelhas Corriedale foram encarneiradas no outono do Sul brasileiro, sendo mantidas sob a mesma pastagem em condições extensivas. As ovelhas foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos de tratamentos, sendo vinte ovelhas esquiladas aos 74 ± 6 dias de gestação e vinte mantidas sem esquila durante a gestação, compondo o grupo controle. Ovelhas e respectivos cordeiros foram avaliados em três períodos: no dia do parto, entre 15 e 21 dias pós-parto e entre 22 e 45 dias pósparto. Nas ovelhas, foram medidos o escore de condição corporal, o peso corporal e da placenta, a produção do leite e a concentração sérica de beta-hidroxibutirato, enquanto nos cordeiros foram determinados hematócrito, hemoglobina e concentrações plasmáticas de lactato e glicose, além de peso corporal ao nascimento até o desmame. Os valores médios de hematócrito e hemoglobina foram...