“…This finding is consistent with that of previous studies on animals along elevational gradients at intraspecific (Caro et al, 2013;Eastman, Morelli, Rowe, Conroy, & Moritz, 2012;Liao, Zhang, & Liu, 2006;Wasserman & Nash, 1979) and interspecific (Du et al, 2017;Geraghty, Dunn, & Sanders, 2007;Hu, Xie, Li, & Jiang, 2011) levels. This finding is consistent with that of previous studies on animals along elevational gradients at intraspecific (Caro et al, 2013;Eastman, Morelli, Rowe, Conroy, & Moritz, 2012;Liao, Zhang, & Liu, 2006;Wasserman & Nash, 1979) and interspecific (Du et al, 2017;Geraghty, Dunn, & Sanders, 2007;Hu, Xie, Li, & Jiang, 2011) levels.…”