Abstract:This study offers training methodology for sprinters. A principle of directed asymmetric power action (DAPA) on lower limbs in natural conditions of high-speed running is at the core of the methodology. During running workouts we use light weight on a non-dominant leg. An application of the above-mentioned methodology for an experimental group of sprinters in Siberian Federal University during 11 weeks has contributed to modification of ritmo-structural (RS) running characteristics, "speed barrier" overcoming and improvement of seasonal rates on 50 m distance: time and stride quantity decreasing by 0.4 s and 1.3 units, stride rate and stride length increasing by 0.04 Hz and 0.09 m respectively. Key words: sprint training methods, resisted sprint training, speed barrier, sprint.
IntroductionThe problem of sprinter sportsmen methodology improving is relevant at this time. However, the accustomed training methodologies often have a limited effect. The scientific literature analysis has shown that using of the common training tools (Zatsiorskiy, 1966), which comprise a systematic repeating of biomechanically rational sport exercises leads to locomotion automatisms and strengthening of RS characteristics -such as stride length and stride rate (Abrosimov, 1977).Stabilization of motor skills has not only positive impact, but affects negatively through speed growth absence. The absence of positive speed dynamics takes place even at a significant functional skills increasing. Thus, a "speed barrier" or "speed plateau" (Korchemny, 1985, p. 41; Ozolin, 1978, p. 55; Schiffer, 2011, p. 7) are being created, which overcoming is the condition of sporting achievements progress. Counteracting to stabilization of motor skills may be implemented through different approaches and additional training tools (Arakelyan, 1970;Bailey et al., 2005;Cissik, 2011;Ilyin, 2002;Gibala 2007;Gonzalez & Beckwith, 2009;Gonzalez et al., 2011;Mehrikadze, 1997;Rumpf et al., 2016;Sergeev, 1999;Sheppard 2004;Schiffer, 2011):• running performed by means of changes in intensity, intervals length and intervals of relaxing;• complication and facilitation of running;• running performed in special conditions using training simulators;• performing excercises, structuraly different to running (excercises with weights, jumping, local action tools);• an interface of technical and motor quality training. Total disadvantages of the above mentioned approaches and additional training tools are:• insufficient accounting of sprinters' indivudual characteristics in motor asymmetry of the lower limbs;• isolated progress of muscle groups, stopping its high-grade application in sprint;• a significant deviation of RS and another characteristics of running while performing excercises with higher power;• an increasing in timing of "speed barrier" overcoming.