“…The pronounced deficit in extinction observed in EE-reared animals may have been due to changes in brain structures responsible for the acquisition and extinction of fear conditioning such as the amygdala and PFC. Relevant effects of EE exposure on the amygdala include alterations in expression of corticotropin releasing factor receptors (Sztainberg, Kuperman, Tsoory, Lebow, & Chen, 2010), increased proliferation of progenitor cells and suppressed apoptosis (Okuda et al, 2009), increased brain-derived neurotropic factor levels (Segovia, Del Arco, de Blas, Garrido, & Mora, 2008), and increased gastrin-releasing peptide receptors, which are involved in fear learning (Qian, Zhou, Pan, Liu, & Wang, 2008). EE exposure also produces alterations in the PFC such as increased energy metabolism as assessed by cytochrome c oxidase histochemistry (Sampedro-Piquero et al, 2013), increased FosB immunostaining (Lehmann & Herkenham, 2011), and increased concentrations of serotonin (Brenes, Rodriguez, & Fornaguera, 2008).…”