) emitting intense monochromatic red at 612 nm under vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and ultraviolet (UV) excitations has been developed for application in next generation plasma display panels (PDPs). The developed phosphor has better luminescence efficiency, colour purity and shorter decay time than commercial (Y,Gd)BO 3 :Eu 3+ red emitting PDP phosphor. High color purity (x = 0.67, y = 0.32) under VUV excitation with short decay time (1.03 msec) and excellent stability against degradation during PDP panel preparation suggest that YAM:Eu 3+ is a potential candidate for present and future PDPs. Surface coating by SiO 2 further improved phosphor characteristics. 466-474 (1998). 20. P. B. Wagh, A. V. Rao, and D. Haranath, "Influence of molar ratios of precursor, solvent and water on physical properties of citric acid catalyzed TEOS silica aerogels," Mater.
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