주제어 : 고분자전해질연료전지, 산화환원반응, 탄소, 전극촉매, Mn 조성
AbstractPt 10 /C, Pt 9 Mn 1 /C, Pt 7 Mn 3 /C electrocatalysts for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells(PEMFCs) were synthesized by reduction with HCHO and their activity as a oxygen reduction reaction(ORR) was examined at half cell. The electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction(ORR) was studied by using a glaasy carbon electrode through cyclic voltammetric curves(CV) in a 1 M H 2 SO 4 solution. The ORR activities of Pt 9 Mn 1 /C were higher than Pt 10 /C, Pt 7 Mn 3 /C. Also potential-current curves of Pt 9 Mn 1 /C at 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6V for 5minutes respectively were higher than Pt 10 /C, Pt 7 Mn 3 /C. Physical characterization was made by using x-ray diffraction(XRD) and transmission electron microscope(TEM). The TEM images of Pt 9 Mn 1 /C, Pt 10 /C catalysts showed homogenous particle distribution with particle size of about 2.7 nm, 3 nm respectively and then the XRD results showed that the crystalline structure of the synthesized catalysts are seen FCC structure.