Self-diffusion coefficients of poly(ethylene glycol)2k-derivatized lipids (DSPE-PEG2k-CF) in glass-supported DOPC phospholipid bilayers are ascertained from quantitative fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP). We developed a first-order reaction -diffusion model to ascertain the bleaching constant, mobile fraction and lipopolymer self-diffusion coefficient D s at concentrations in the range c % 0.5 -5 mol%. In contrast to control experiments with 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl) (ammonium salt) (DOPE-NBD) in 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC), the lipopolymer self-diffusion coefficient decreases monotonically with increasing concentration, without a distinguishing mushroom-to-brush transition. Our data yield a correlation, where D 0 % 3.36 mm 2 s 21 and a % 0.56 (with c expressed as a mole percent). Interpreting the dilute limit with the Scalettar-Abney -Owicki statistical mechanical theory for transmembrane proteins yields an effective disc radius a e % 2.41 nm. On the other hand, the Bussell -Koch-Hammer theory, which includes hydrodynamic interactions, yields a e % 2.92 nm. As expected, both measures are smaller than the Flory radius of the 2 kDa poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) chains, R F % 3.83 nm, and significantly larger than the nominal radius of the phospholipid heads, a l % 0.46 nm. The diffusion coefficient at infinite dilution D 0 was interpreted using the Evans-Sackmann theory, furnishing an inter-leaflet frictional drag coefficient b s % 1.33 Â 10 8 N s m
23. Our results suggest that lipopolymer interactions are dominated by the excluded volume of the PEG-chain segments, with frictional drag dominated by the two-dimensional bilayer hydrodynamics.