Multiple Scleroses (MS) is the most often neurological disability of the young adults in the world and most of the people are diagnosed between 20-40 years old. Rehabilitation is a component of the full management of MS focused on the preservation and function improvement and adds non pharmacological treatment in the care of the patients. The objective of this research was the review of the literature in relation to the physical rehabilitation as an important alternative in the treatment of MS. The research included the electronic data base of the libraries Ovid, PubMed, Cochrane Library, NLM Tools. The inclusion criteria were the published studies on the theme of physical rehabilitation as an important factor in the treatment of MS. More than 30 potential articles were identified, but we reviewed the results of seven articles related to the theme of interest. The review evidenced that the multidisciplinary rehabilitation in MS is effective ein the improvement of many daily activities and reduction of the disability. Most of the studies report improvement in the limited disability and life quality, but the deficit remains unchanged. Symptoms such as fatigue, spasticity, ataxia and sphincter disorders profit from the proper pharmacological studies applied together with rehabilitation therapy. MS affects more females than males. The physical rehabilitation is more effectively if it starts early, before the disease progression. Many clinical signs improve from the proper medical treatment combined with rehabilitation therapy. The literature showed some contrary facts related to the efficacy of various rehabilitation forms.