“…For convenience, these films grown at 120°C, 170°C, and 300°C will be called "ZnO-A", "ZnO-B", and "ZnO-C", respectively. The last sample, "ZnO-D", was deposited at 300°C with a modified pulse sequence: exposure of molecular oxygen (O 2 ) for 7 s was carried out prior to the last N 2 purge step, i.e., DEZ/N 2 /H 2 O/O 2 /N 2 represents one growth cycle for ZnO-D. As discussed later in X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, this O 2 pulse changes the preferred orientation of the grown ZnO film to be highly (002)-oriented [27]. The total film thickness was set to bẽ 80 nm based on the observed growth-per-cycle (GPC).…”