Naturalized soil Escherichia coli populations need to resist common soil desiccation stress in order to inhabit soil environments. In this study, four representative soil E. coli strains and one lab strain, MG1655, were tested for desiccation resistance via die-off experiments in sterile quartz sand under a potassium acetate-induced desiccation condition. The desiccation stress caused significantly lower die-off rates of the four soil strains (0.17 to 0.40 day ؊1 ) than that of MG1655 (0.85 day ؊1 ). Cellular responses, including extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) production, exogenous glycine betaine (GB) uptake, and intracellular compatible organic solute synthesis, were quantified and compared under the desiccation and hydrated control conditions. GB uptake appeared not to be a specific desiccation response, while EPS production showed considerable variability among the E. coli strains. All E. coli strains produced more intracellular trehalose, proline, and glutamine under the desiccation condition than the hydrated control, and only the trehalose concentration exhibited a significant correlation with the desiccation-contributed die-off coefficients (Spearman's ؍ ؊1.0; P ؍ 0.02). De novo trehalose synthesis was further determined for 15 E. coli strains from both soil and nonsoil sources to determine its prevalence as a specific desiccation response. Most E. coli strains (14/ 15) synthesized significantly more trehalose under the desiccation condition, and the soil E. coli strains produced more trehalose (106.5 ؎ 44.9 mol/mg of protein [mean ؎ standard deviation]) than the nonsoil reference strains (32.5 ؎ 10.5 mol/mg of protein).T raditionally, Escherichia coli in the environment has been often considered residual cells from recent fecal inputs (46), but this has been contradicted by recent reports of the ubiquitous presence of high levels of E. coli cells in soil samples (5,18,23). Studies using molecular tools have detected unique genotypic compositions of E. coli populations in soil (6,19,23), and the persistence of certain E. coli strains over extended periods of time in soils further supports the notion that certain soil E. coli populations are naturalized members of indigenous soil microbial communities (23). Since soil-sourced E. coli cells may enter nearby waterways in the absence of actual fecal inputs and thus generate false signals of fecal pollution, intense debate has arisen regarding the suitability of E. coli as a fecal indicator in water quality monitoring.To understand the survival and habitation of E. coli in soil, it is important to understand how E. coli resists soil environmental stresses, in particular, the common and unique soil desiccation stress caused by the natural cycles of soil wetting and drying. Studies on traditional soil bacteria have identified numerous cellular mechanisms responsible for enhanced desiccation resistance, including de novo trehalose synthesis (10, 29), production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) (36, 38), and uptake of exogenous glycine bet...