In Australia, enteric methane production accounts for 68% of national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Methane production (MP) is affected by diet quality. Approximately 50% of Australian beef cattle are grazed in the northern rangelands (Queensland, the Northern Territory, and part of Western Australia). In this region, cattle consume predominantly native C4 grasses, which are susceptible to substantial seasonal changes in nutritional value. The MP from Australian C4 grasses and associated changes in methane and methanogenic archaeal populations within the rumen are not well described.This thesis aimed to quantify methane from C4 tropical pastures and associated rumen microbiota during seasonal changes in forage quality. Four experiments were conducted to achieve these objectives.Experiment 1 (Chapter 3) measured cumulative gas production in vitro by Ankom Gas Production System batch culture method. Bottles containing ground forages and buffered rumen fluid were incubated for up to 48 h and pH, volatile fatty acids (VFAs); total gas production (TGP) methane (CH4), dry matter degradability (DMd) and organic matter degradability (OMd) were measured.Substrates were a variety of tropical C4 grasses (obtained in Experiment 4) ranging in CP from 29 g/ kg DM to 120 g/ kg DM and digestibility from 38 -60%. A legume was included for comparison. A general linear model determined effect of forage type and time on variables. Regression relationships were determined between nutritive characteristics and gas variables. More gas, methane and total VFA (mmol/L) were produced when forages were more degradable. Positive linear relationships were observed between CP and both TGP and methane. Negative relationships were observed between fibre and methane. Experiment 2, (Chapter 4) determined contribution of inoculum to fermentative characteristics when donor cattle were fed forage diets representative of wet or dry season in northern Australia. The experimental design was the same as for experiment 1. The substrates included the Mitchell grass, and the Lucerne from experiment 1 and two other forages a pasture (PAS) Urochloa mosambicensis (CP 90 g/ kg DM' DMD 63%) and a low quality hay (LQH) sample of Chloris gayana (CP 31 g/kg DM; DMD 41%). Inoculum was collected from cattle consuming PAS (PASi) and LQH (LQHi) diets. A general linear model was used with forage type, time and inoculum source as fixed effects. Substrates incubated in PASi had greater MP and lower degradability than the same substrates incubated in LQHi.The in vitro experiments confirm that forage quality is the primary factor effecting gas production but under closed batch system conditions, specific effects of inoculum are observed. Two in vivo ii experiments (Chapter 5 -8) were conducted to quantify MP and microbial communities associated with seasonal change in forage quality.In Experiment 3, Bos indicus steers were fed a low quality C. gayana hay and then switched to either moderate quality U. mosambicensis pasture (PAS), a high quality C. gayana hay (...