Varicocele is the abnormal dilation of venous pampiniform plexus and internal spermatic vein. Its prevalence in the adolescent period is almost equal to the prevalence of adult age. That is why the disease is accepted to appear in early adolescence and does not disappear spontaneously. Varicocele is established to be the most common cause of infertility in the adulthood period in terms of the testicular and/or epididymal damages it causes. Besides, malfunctioning of testis and/or epididymis cannot be blamed as the one and only reason of infertility. One major reason of the male infertility is vas deferens motility disorders. There is limited data in the literature investigating the effects of varicocele on the vas deferens motility. The aim of the study is to evaluate not only the motility defects of vas deferens for the period of varicocele, but also the effects of surgical varicocele correction on vas deferens motility. Thirty male Wistar-Albino rats were allocated to five groups. In the control group (Gr C, n = 6) bilateral vas deferens strips were harvested without any surgical intervention. Using the partial left renal vein obstruction technique, the experimental varicocele model was performed for the other four groups. Varicocele was apparent for these animals after the fourth week of the venous ligation. Bilateral vas deferens strips of varicocele group (Gr V, n = 6) were harvested. The rest of the animals having varicocele underwent relaparotomies. Three different surgical procedures were performed to these animals. The animals of group P (Gr P, n = 6) and group I (Gr I, n = 6) underwent Palomo and Ivanissevich procedures, respectively, for varicocele correction. And the animals of group S (Gr S, n = 6) underwent sham operation. After 4 weeks of relaparotomies, bilateral vas deferens strips of all three groups harvested. The electrical field stimulation (EFS) induced responses of all vas deferens strips as well as exogenous drug induced responses were recorded and analysed. The results of the study showed that the varicocele significantly inhibited the first phase of biphasic response of vas deferens in the ipsilateral side. However the correction of varicocele, free from surgical technique, ameliorated the affected first phase of EFS induced biphasic response in the ipsilateral side. The results of this study suggest that varicocele can be the reason of male infertility by not only causing testicular and/or epididymal damages but also triggering vas deferens motility defects. The correction of varicocele free from surgical technique may reverse the damaging of the vas deferens. Therefore when indicated surgical correction of varicocele is essential. It seems that varicocele surgery does not only prevent late term testicular and/or epididymal damages but also avoids vas deferens motility defects.