As the technology shrinks, nonfunctional properties (NFPs) such as reliability, vulnerability, power consumption, or heat dissipation become as important as system functionality. As NFPs often influence each other, depend on the application and workload of a system, and exhibit nonlinear behavior, NFP simulation over long periods of system operation is computationally expensive, if feasible at all.This article presents a piecewise evaluation method for efficient NFP simulation. Simulation time is divided into intervals called evaluation windows, within which the NFP models are partially linearized. High-speed functional system simulation is achieved by parallel execution of models at different levels of abstraction. A trade-off between simulation speed and accuracy is met by adjusting the size of the evaluation window.As an example, the piecewise evaluation technique is applied to analyze aging caused by two mechanisms, namely Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) and Hot Carrier Injection (HCI), in order to identify reliability hotspots. Experiments show that the proposed technique yields considerable simulation speedup at a marginal loss of accuracy.