“…[5c,d] Using ad onor-stabilized disilylene,B aceiredo et al described another type of carbon dioxide activation which gives rise to the bis(m-oxo)carbonato silicon complex D. [5b] Starting from the N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) supported disilicon complex (NHC)Si = Si(NHC), [6] Robinson and coworkers recently synthesized the NHC-supported siliconcarbon mixed oxide E,featuring also abridged carbonate,by reacting with CO 2 . In fact, with the silylone (bis-NHC)Si 1 (bis-NHC = H 2 C[{NC(H)=C(H)N(Dipp)}CD] 2 , Dipp = 2,6-iPr 2 C 6 H 3 ), az ero-valent silicon complex, in hand, [9] we succeeded in the synthesis and isolation of the unprecedented silicon dicarbonate complex F (Scheme 1). However,pressure-induced reaction (at 18-26 GPa) between CO 2 and amicroporous SiO 2 was reported, giving ametastable silicon carbonate phase.…”