The electron current density in nanoscale junctions is typically several orders of magnitude larger than the corresponding one in bulk electrodes. Consequently, the electron-electron scattering rate increases substantially in the junction. This leads to local electron heating of the underlying Fermi sea in analogy to the local ionic heating that is due to the increased electron-phonon scattering rates. We predict the bias dependence of local electron heating in quasi-ballistic nanoscale conductors, its effect on ionic heating, and discuss possible experimental tests of our results.In the process of electrical charge transport, the dissipation of energy via heat production plays a significant role. This effect is of particular importance in nanoscale systems, like e.g., atomic or molecular structures between bulk electrodes, 1 since it determines their structural stability under current flow. It is now understood that the large current densities in nanojunctions, compared to their bulk counterparts, may lead to substantial heating of the nanostructure ions.2,3,4 This effect is directly related to the consequent increase of the electronphonon scattering rates in the junction. In quasi-ballistic systems, i.e. when the mean free path is much longer than the dimensions of the nanostructure, by assuming a bulk lattice heat conduction mechanism, the local ionic temperature is predicted to be T ion ∝ √ V , where V is the applied bias. 2,3,4 For the same reasons, and due to the viscous nature of the electron liquid, 5 we here suggest that the local increase of the electron-electron scattering rate in the junction gives rise to local heating of the underlying Fermi sea, whether the system has one or many conducting channels. This local electronic temperature would also affect the electron-phonon scattering rates, and consequently the bias dependence of the ionic temperature.In this Letter, we first estimate the bias dependence of the local electron temperature in quasi-ballistic systems, assuming no ionic heating is produced. We will then determine the effect of the electron heating on the bias dependence of the ionic temperature. We finally discuss possible experiments to test our predictions. *