Detection of current-induced spin accumulation via ferromagnetic contacts is discussed. Onsager's relations forbid that in a two-probe configuration, spins excited by currents in time-reversal symmetric systems can be detected by switching the magnetization of a ferromangetic detector contact. Nevertheless, current-induced spins can be transferred as a torque to a contact magnetization and can affect the charge currents in many-terminal configurations. We demonstrate the general concepts by solving the microscopic transport equations for the diffuse Rashba system with magnetic contacts. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.256601 PACS numbers: 72.25.Dc, 72.20.Dp, 72.25.Mk The notion that netto spin distributions can be generated by electric currents in the bulk of nonmagnetic semiconductors with intrinsic spin-orbit (SO) interaction has been predicted [1,2] and experimentally confirmed [3]. The related spin-Hall effect, causing accumulations of spins at the edges, has also been observed [4]. It can be extrinsic, i.e., caused by impurities with SO scattering [5,6] or intrinsic due to an SO split band structure [7,8]. However, all experiments to date detected the current-induced spins optically [16]. An important remaining challenge for theory and experiment is to find ways to transform the novel spin accumulation (SA) and spin currents (SCs) into voltage differences and charge currents in micro-or nanoelectronic circuits in order to fulfill the promises of spintronics.In this Letter, we address the possibility to generate a spin-related signal to be picked up by ferromagnetic contacts. This signal can be in the form of a voltage change or a torque acting on the magnetization of the ferromagnet (FM). In practice, this raises technical difficulties due the conductance mismatch [17] that can be solved [18] and are not addressed here. We rather focus on conceptual problems that are related to the voltage and torque signals generated by current-induced spins [19]. The Onsager relations for the conductance [20] forbid voltage based detection of current-induced spins by a ferromagnetic lead in a two-probe setup within linear response. We sketch a microscopic picture of the physics and formulate a semiclassical scheme in the diffuse limit. We address spin detection in a multiprobe geometry, calculate the Hall conductivity, and compare it to the anomalous Hall effect. We also discuss the possibility to construct spin filters not based on FMs, but on conductors with spatially modulated SO interactions.We first address the symmetry properties in terms of the Onsager relations for the (linear) conductance [20 -23]. A generic SO-Hamiltonian H involves products of velocity and spin operators that are invariant under time reversal. Even when spin-degenerate bands are split due to a broken inversion symmetry, the Kramers degeneracy remains intact. The Hamiltonian of the combined SOjF system has the symmetry TH m T ÿ1 H ÿm , where m is a unit vector in the direction of the magnetization of the FM and T the time-reversal operator. We n...