Developmento fe arth-abundant bifunctional electrocatalysts for both the hydrogen evolutionr eaction (HER) and oxygen evolutionr eaction (OER) is highly desirable but still remains ag reat challenge. In this Communication, we demonstrate that aN i-P alloy nanoparticle film electrodeposited on Ni foam (Ni-P/NF)a cts as an efficient bifunctional water-splitting electrocatalyst with strong durability in alkaline media. This electrode needs overpotentials of 80 and 309 mV to drive 10 mA cm À2 for HER and OER, respectively, in 1.0 m KOH, and its two-electrode water electrolyzer requires voltage of 1.67 Vt or each 10 mA cm
À2. The increasing energy demandsa nd rapid depletion of fossil fuels poses ac ompelling challenge to developh igh-efficiency and sustainable alternative energys ources. [1,2] Hydrogen, the simplestform of energy carrier,has been considered as apromising such alternative in the future. [3][4][5] An effective way for producing high-purity hydrogen is to electrochemically split water into H 2 and O 2 in an electrolyzer.[6] Water splitting is as trongly uphill reactionw ith al arge overpotential because of the sluggish kinetics of the multielectron transfer reaction.[7] Industrial electrolyzer cells typically operate at ac ell voltageo f1 .8-2.0 V, much higher than the theoretical minimum value of 1.23 V. [8] Therefore, efficient catalysts for the cathodic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and anodic oxygen evolution reaction (OER) are implementedt od ecrease the large overpotentials. [9] Up to date, Pt and its alloys for the HER and Ir/Ru oxidesf or the OER are the most efficient electrocatalysts, but the scarcity and high cost hinders their widespread use.Considerabler ecent efforts have been successfully devoted to developing lost-cost Ni-based catalysts for HER (oxide, [6] Ni-P alloy, [10] phosphide, [11,12] chalcogenide [13,14] )a nd OER (oxide, [15] hydroxide, [16] phosphide, [17] chalcogenide, [18] nitride [19] ). Both HER and OER catalysts must be operated in strongly acidic or alkaline media to minimizet he overpotentials for accomplishing overall water splitting.[20] Moreover,a lkaline water splitting offers as trong candidate forc ommercialization toward cost-effective hydrogen production.[8] It is therefore highly attractive to design catalysts efficiently for both HER and OER in basic solutions. There are only af ew reports of Ni-based bifunctional catalysts, including Ni 2 P, [21] Ni 5 P 4 on Ni foil, [22] NiSe nanowires film on Ni foam (NiSe/NF), [23] and Ni 3 S 2 nanosheet arrays on Ni foam (Ni 3 S 2 /NF).[24] However,t hese methods require an energyintensiveh eating process for catalystp reparation. Herein,w e report on the room-temperature electrodeposition of aN i-P alloy nanoparticle film on NF (Ni-P/NF)a sa ne fficient bifunctional water-splittingc atalysti ns trongly alkaline media. This Ni-P/NF electrode drives 10 mA cm À2 at overpotentials of 80 and 309 mV for HER and OER, respectively,a nd its two-electrode water electrolyzer needs ac ell voltage of 1.67 Vt od rive 10 ...