In considering the structure of the 30S subunit of the Escherichia coli ribosome, we have assumed that: (l) all or almost all the proteins within the 30S particle are compact and globular, as recently shown for the isolated proteins S4, S7, S8, S15, and S16 in solution [Serdyuk, I. N., Zaccai, G. & Spirin, A. S. (1978) In recent years, the technique of chemical crosslinking of neighboring proteins by bifunctional reagents and measurements of the distances between deuterated or fluorescent-labeled proteins by using neutron scattering or energy transfer techniques, respectively, have contributed much to the knowledge of the protein topography in ribosomal particles and especially in the ribosomal 30S subunit of Escherichia coli. From these and a number of less direct data, several models of the topography of ribosomal proteins in the 30S particle have been proposed (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8). Independently, the use of the immunoelectron microscopy technique has also led to two different models of the topography of ribosomal proteins on the surface of the 30S particle (9-12; see also ref. 13).However, two complications have hampered further progress. First, no information was available as to three-dimensional structure and morphology of the 16S RNA; this RNA is known to be a structural backbone for arrangement of ribosomal proteins. Second, immunoelectron microscopy (9, 10) and neutron scattering (14, 15) data on proteins within the 30S subunit, as well as some physical measurements of isolated ribosomal proteins (16-21), have suggested strongly elongated or very expanded shapes of many ribosomal proteins; this led to ambiguity in interpretation of the results on chemical crosslinking, energy transfer, etc.Most recently, a specific compact conformation of the 16S RNA has been visualized by electron microscopy (22). On the other hand, a number of ribosomal proteins, such as S4, S7, S8, S15, and S16, have been reinvestigated and found to be compact globular proteins with cooperative tertiary structures (23)(24)(25). Based on these new results and using the numerous data reported on mutual arrangement (topography) of ribosomal proteins, we have constructed a model of the quaternary structure of the ribosomal 30S particle and then checked it by neutron and x-ray scattering experiments.MODEL CONSTRUCTION Initial Assumptions. In constructing the model, we have adhered to the size and the asymmetric three-dimensional structure of the ribosomal 30S subunit first deduced by one of us from electron microscopy of freeze-dried and shadow-cast samples of the particles (26). Morphologically, the 30S particle was found to be subdivided into a "head," a "body," and a side "bulge" (Fig. 1). A similar subdivision of the 30S particles, with a side "platform," was reported also by Lake and Kahan (11) and Lake (27) on the basis of electron microscopy of negatively stained samples.We have proceeded from two principal assumptions: (i) RNA within the 30S particle has a specific V-like or Y-like conformation (Fig. 1), as it is visu...