detailed his team's preprint, "Learning produces a hippocampal cognitive map in the form of an orthogonalized state machine," posted on bioRxiv 7 August.1/11 How are cognitive maps formed during learning? Very excited to share new work by outstanding co-first authors @sunw37 and @JohanWinn and other wonderful collaborators @HHMIJanelia -Nelson Spruston (@nspruston) August 8, 2023 Jiannis Taxidis of the University of Toronto commented on Spruston's study. This is the most impressive CA1 2-photon imaging I ve ever seen! Taxidis (@JiannisTax) August 8, 2023Kevin Wright of Oregon Health and Science University in Portland detailed his team's preprint, "Intrinsic control of DRG sensory neuron diversification by Pten," posted on bioRxiv 6 August.