Many studies emphasized the significance of developing strategic plans to cope with crises and thinking of innovative ideas for dealing with them via adjusting financial policies, business performance, demobilization policies, etc. Although keeping workers loyal to the tourism sector is highly important, those short-term strategies did not tackle that point during crises and make long-term strategies. Therefore, the current study focused on why the employee turnover level of tourism workers increased. To achieve this goal, the researcher designed a questionnaire and distributed it to a random sample included 135 human resources managers and hospitality sector managers working at hotels and fast food restaurants in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Descriptive analysis was conducted using the SPSS software package through data collected from the survey. The results of the study proved that the Human resources management at hospitality institutions needs to create an atmosphere of loyalty and confidence constantly _ not only during crises to establish a positive experience for their workers and keep the brilliant individuals. Thus, the current study recommended the significance of the used policies by the human resources of hotels to increase loyalty and confidence between hotels and their workers to limit the skilled worker's turnover to other sectors after crises.