Summary We report a phase I/II study of the indole derivative, zindoxifene, an anti-oestrogen with intrinsic oestrogenic activity. We have treated 28 women with advanced breast cancer of whom 26 had received prior endocrine therapy. Oral zindoxifene doses ranged from 10 to 100 mg daily; doses were escalated in some patients. Twenty-five patients were assessed for response; the remaining three patients completed less than 3 weeks of treatment. There were no objective responses; disease stabilised in seven patients for up to 5 months and progressed in the remaining 18. Five patients (including three treated with tamoxifen) responded to subsequent endocrine therapy. Nausea, which was dose-limiting, affected half of the patients treated with 80 mg daily. Metabolites of zindoxifene were detectable in serum at all doses used, and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels showed a strong tendency to rise at the higher doses, indicating that zindoxifene is absorbed and has biological activity. We conclude that zindoxifene in the doses used in this study has only marginal therapeutic activity in the treatment of advanced breast cancer.