Access to collective excitations lies at the heart of our understanding of quantum many-body systems. We study the Higgs and Goldstone modes in a supersolid quantum gas that is created by coupling a Bose-Einstein condensate symmetrically to two optical cavities. The cavity fields form a U(1)-symmetric order parameter that can be modulated and monitored along both quadratures in real time. This enables us to measure the excitation energies across the superfluid-supersolid phase transition, establish their amplitude and phase nature, as well as characterize their dynamics from an impulse response. Furthermore, we can give a tunable mass to the Goldstone mode at the crossover between continuous and discrete symmetry by changing the coupling of the quantum gas with either cavity.Collective excitations are crucial for describing the dynamics of quantum many-body systems. They provide unified explanations of phenomena studied in different disciplines of physics, such as in condensed matter [1] or particle physics [2], or in cosmology [3]. The symmetry of the underlying effective Hamiltonian determines the character of the excitations, which changes in a fundamental way when a continuous symmetry is broken at a phase transition. Excitations can now appear both at finite and zero energy.In the paradigmatic case of models with U(1)-symmetry breaking, the system can be described by a complex scalar order parameter in an effective potential as illustrated in Fig. 1(A-B) [4]. In the normal phase, the potential is bowl-shaped with a single minimum at vanishing order parameter, and correspondingly two orthogonal amplitude excitations. Within the ordered phase, the potential shape changes to a 'sombrero' with an infinite number of minima on a circle. Here, fluctuations of the order parameter reveal two different excitations: a Higgs (or amplitude) mode, which stems from amplitude fluctuations of the order parameter and shows a finite excitation energy, and a Goldstone (or phase) mode, which stems from phase fluctuations of the order parameter and has zero excitation energy. The former should yield correlated fluctuations in the two squared quadratures of the order parameter, whereas the latter should show anticorrelated behavior.Condensed matter systems typically do not provide access to both quadratures of the order parameter, and Higgs and Goldstone modes have to be excited and detected by incoherent processes. In addition, the idealized situation is often disguised by further interactions that reduce the number of distinct modes [1, 6]. For charged particles, the minimal coupling to a vector potential can even completely suppress the Goldstone mode through the Anderson-Higgs mechanism [2]. In chargedensity wave compounds, a persisting Higgs mode has been observed as a well-defined resonance [7][8][9]. In superfluid Helium [10] and Bose-Einstein condensates [11] * Illustration of the experiment. A Bose-Einstein condensate (blue stripes) cut into slices by a transverse pump lattice potential (red stripes)...