“…There is considerable evidence for lateralization of temporal and pitch processing in speech perception (for a recent review, see Zatorre & Gandour, 2008). Some studies indicate that temporal processing of auditory (including speech) input may be impaired in ASD (e.g., Cardy, Flagg, Roberts, Brian, & Roberts, 2004; Groen, van Orsouw, ter Huurne, Swinkels, van der Gaag, Buitelaar, et al, 2009), while pitch sensitivity may be a relative strength (e.g., Bonnel, Mottron, Peretz, Trudel, Gallun, E., & Bonnel, 2003). It is possible that inter-hemispheric underconnectivity in ASD (e.g., Just, Cherkassky, Keller, & Minshew, 2004) plays an additional role, resulting in poor coordination of pitch and temporal processing, thereby undermining any indirect benefit bestowed on temporal processing by intact pitch processing.…”