Interfacial two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG), especially the SrTiO3-based ones at the unexpected interface of insulators, have emerged to be a promising candidate for efficient charge-spin current interconversion. In this article, to gain insight into the mechanism of the charge-spin current interconversion at the oxide-based 2DEG, we focused on conducting interfaces between insulating SrTiO3 and two types of aluminium-based amorphous insulators, namely SrTiO3/AlN and SrTiO3/Al2O3, and estimated their charge-spin conversion efficiency, 𝜃 . The two types of amorphous insulators were selected to explicitly probe the overlooked contribution of oxygen vacancy to the 𝜃 . We proposed a mechanism to explain results of spintorque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) measurements and developed an analysis protocol to reliably estimate the 𝜃 of the oxide based 2DEG. The resultant 𝜃 /𝑡 , where 𝑡 is the thickness of the 2DEG, were estimated to be 0.244 nm -1 and 0.101 nm -1 for the SrTiO3/AlN and SrTiO3/Al2O3, respectively, and they are strikingly comparable to their crystalline counterparts. Furthermore, we also observe a large direct current modulation of resonance linewidth in SrTiO3/AlN samples, confirming its high 𝜃 and attesting an oxygen-vacancy-enabled charge-3 spin conversion. Our findings emphasize the defects' contribution to the charge-spin interconversion, especially in the oxide-based low dimensional systems, and provide a way to create and enhance charge-spin interconversion via defect engineering.