In the era of digital intelligence empowerment, the data-driven approach to the mining and organization of humanistic knowledge has ushered in new development opportunities. However, current research on allusions, an important type of humanities data, mainly focuses on the adoption of a traditional paradigm of humanities research. Conversely, little attention is paid to the application of auto-computing techniques to allusive resources. In light of this research gap, this work proposes a model of allusive word sentiment recognition and application based on text semantic enhancement. First, explanatory texts of 36,080 allusive words are introduced for text semantic enhancement. Subsequently, the performances of different deep learning-based approaches are compared, including three baselines and two optimized models. The best model, ERNIE-RCNN, which exhibits a 6.35% improvement in accuracy, is chosen for the sentiment prediction of allusive words based on text semantic enhancement. Next, according to the binary relationships between allusive words and their source text, explanatory text, and sentiments, the overall and time-based distribution regularities of allusive word sentiments are explored. In addition, the sentiments of the source text are inferred according to the allusive word sentiments. Finally, the LDA model is utilized for the topic extraction of allusive words, and the sentiments and topics are fused to construct an allusive word-sentiment theme relationship database, which provides two modes for the semantic association and organization of allusive resources. The empirical results show that the proposed model can achieve the discovery and association of allusion-related humanities knowledge.