We examine quantum gravity effects on entanglement by a straightforward application of the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) to continuous-variable systems. In particular, we study the following cases: the modified uncertainty relation of two identical entangled particles (Rigolin, 2002), and the inseparability conditions for entangled particles in the bipartite (Duan, Giedke, Cirac and Zoller, 2000) and tripartite (van Loock and Furusawa, 2003) cases. Rigolin showed a decrease in the lower bound of the product of the uncertainties of the position and momentum for two identical entangled particles while Duan and van Loock derived inseparability conditions for EPR-like operators. In all three cases, the GUP correction resulted in a higher value of the bounds: a higher lower bound for the Rigolin's result and a higher upper bound for the inseparability condition in Duan and van Loock's relations. In Rigolin's case, the GUP correction decreased the disagreement with the Heisenberg uncertainty relation while in Duan's and Loock's case, the inseparability and entanglement conditions are enhanced. Interestingly, the GUP corrections tend to make quantum mechanical effects more pronounced.