AB STRACTThe Con stel la tion Ob serv ing Sys tem for Me te o rol ogy, Ion o sphere, and Cli mate (FORMOSAT-3/COS MIC) is a con stel la tion of six microsatellites that was launched into low-Earth or bit on 14 April 2006. Each FORMOSAT-3/COS MIC sat el lite con tains a GPS Occultation Ex per i ment (GOX) GPS re ceiver and a Tiny Ion o spheric Pho tom e ter (TIP), which mea sure the ion o sphere. In pre vi ous pa pers of Dymond and Thomas (2001) and Dymond et al. (2000), an al go rithm for tomographically in vert ing GPS occultation and UV ra di om e ter mea sure ments has been pre sented. We ap ply this al go rithm to the in ver sion of recently acquired FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC data and present the results.Key words: Ion o sphere, To mog ra phy, FORMOSAT-3/COS MIC, Appelton anom aly Ci ta tion: : Tomographic re con struc tion of the low-lat i tude night time elec tron density us ing FORMOSAT-3/COMSIC ra dio occultation and UV pho tom e ter data. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 20, 215-226, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2008. 01.15.01(F3C)
IN TRO DUC TIONThe use of to tal elec tron con tent mea sure ments ac quired dur ing occultation of the Global Po si tion ing Sat el lites (GPS) by a re ceiv ing plat form in low Earth or bit has re cently been dem on strated as a vi a ble tech nique for de ter min ing the ion ospheric elec tron den sity (Hajj et al. 1994). The cor ner stone of the tech nique is use of the Abel in ver sion to con vert the to tal elec tron con tent mea sure ments made by the GPS receiver into elec tron den sity pro files. This tech nique as sumes that the ion o sphere is spher i cally sym met ric with no hor izon tal den sity gra di ents. The Abel tech nique works well under cer tain view ing con di tions but its ac cu racy is gen er ally lim ited by the spher i cal sym me try as sump tion. When there are sub stan tial ion o spheric den sity gra di ents pres ent, the Abel in ver sion tech nique yields poor re sults due to an inability to han dle gra di ents (Hajj et al. 1994). As GPS occultations oc cur spo rad i cally around the globe, it is dif fi cult to use them in a sys tem atic way to gather in for ma tion about the global struc ture of the ion o sphere. Thus, al ter na tive techniques must be used to in fer the gra di ents and to ac count for them in the in ver sion pro cess.Sev eral tech niques have been used to in fer ion o spheric gra di ents. On the Formosa Sat el lite -3 or Con stel la tion Observ ing Sys tem for Me te o rol ogy, Ion o sphere, and Climate (FORMOSAT-3/COS MIC), GPS occultation mea surements will be com ple mented by ul tra vi o let ra dio met ric measure ments, mea sure ments of the to tal elec tron con tent between the sat el lites and ground us ing com put er ized ion ospheric to mog ra phy re ceiv ers, and ground-based GPS to tal elec tron con tent mea sure ments. The use of ul tra vi o let (UV) ra di om e ters pro vides an ac cu rate mea sure ment of the gra dients on a global ba sis and does not rely on ground-based receivers.Nat u rally oc cur ring ul tra vi o let and vis i ble emi...