This article collects a few observations concerning Hitchin's generalized Calabi-Yau structures in dimension four. I became interested in these while thinking about the moduli space of K3 surfaces (with metric and B-field) and its relation to the moduli space of N = (2, 2) SCFT.Roughly, a generalized Calabi-Yau structure is a very special even nondegenerate complex form, which usually will be called ϕ. The main examples are ϕ = σ, where σ is the holomorphic two-form on a K3 surface, and ϕ = exp(iω), where ω is an arbitrary symplectic form. A generalized K3 surface consists of a pair (ϕ, ϕ ′ ) of generalized Calabi-Yau structures satisfying certain orthogonality conditions which are modeled on the relation between the holomorphic two-form σ on a K3 surface and a Ricci-flat Kähler form ω.As was explained by Aspinwall and Morrison (cf. [2,11,17]), the moduli space M (2,2) of N = (2, 2) SCFT fibers over the moduli space M (4,4) of N = (4, 4) SCFT. The fibre of the projection M (2,2) → M (4,4) is isomorphic to S 2 × S 2 . Using the period map, the moduli space of B-field shifts of hyperkähler metrics M HK can be identified with an open dense subset of M (4,4) . For any chosen hyperkähler metric g ∈ M HK there is an S 2 worth of complex structures making this metric a Kähler metric. Thus, the moduli space M K3 of B-field shifts of complex K3 surfaces endowed with a metric fibers over M HK and the fibre of M K3 → M HK is isomorphic to S 2 . Any point in M K3 gives rise to an N = (2, 2) SCFT and the induced inclusion M K3 ⊂ M (2,2) is compatible with the two projections. Mirror symmetry is realized as a certain discrete group action on M (2,2) or M (4,4) .Due to the fact that M K3 → M HK is only an S 2 -fibration and not an S 2 × S 2 -fibration as is M (2,2) → M (4,4) , one soon realizes that points in M K3 might be mirror symmetric to points that are no longer in M K3 . We will explain that Hitchin's generalized Calabi-Yau structures allow to give a geometric meaning also to those points.From a slightly different point of view, one could think of generalized Calabi-Yau structures as geometric realizations of points in the extended period domain which is obtained by passing from the period domain Q ⊂ P (H 2 (M, C)), an open subset of a smooth quadric, to the analogous object Q ⊂ P(H * (M, C)). The latter is defined in terms of the Mukai pairing on H * (M, Z). Recall that due to results of Siu, Todorov, and others, the period domain Q is essentially the moduli space of marked K3 surfaces. The larger moduli space corresponding to Q contains the B-field shifts of those as a hyperplane section. Its complement is the open subset of B-field shifts of symplectic structures on a K3 surface. Thus, complex structures and symplectic structures are parametrized by the same moduli space and the discrete group O(H * (M, Z)) acting on Q frequently interchanges these two.In particular, we will prove the following result:Theorem 0. It might be worth pointing out that the B-field, from a mathematical point of view a slightly mysterious o...