We report on the experimental realization of tetragonal Fe-Co alloys as a constituent of Fe 0:36 Co 0:64 =Pt superlattices with huge perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy, reaching 210 eV=atom, and a saturation magnetization of 2:5 B =atom at 40 K, in qualitative agreement with theoretical predictions. At room temperature the corresponding values 150 eV=atom and 2:2 B =atom are achieved. This suggests that Fe-Co alloys with carefully chosen combinations of composition and distortion are good candidates for high-density perpendicular storage materials. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.037205 PACS numbers: 75.30.Gw, 75.50.Bb, 75.50.Ss The enormous increase in the recording density of hard disk drives, by more than 6 orders of magnitude during the past 50 years, has mainly been achieved by simply scaling the dimensions of the bits recorded in the storage layer [1]. However, this traditional scaling is limited by the onset of superparamagnetism. This occurs when the grain volume V in the recording medium is reduced so that the ratio of the magnetic energy per grain to the thermal energy, K u V=k B T, becomes sufficiently small to cause the recorded data to be erased by thermal fluctuations in an intolerably short time [1,2]. K u is the uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE), i.e., the energy required for rotating the magnetization direction from an easy axis to the hard axis. Thus, high-K u materials [3] are needed to further increase the recording density. The maximum practical MAE, however, is limited by the required write field H w K u =M s , which has to be delivered by the writing head. Thus, a large value of M s , the saturation magnetization of the recording medium, will be beneficial both through decreasing H w as well as by increasing the field available in the readback process. Hence, large values of K u and M s are indispensable properties of future high-density magnetic recording materials.Recently, based on first-principles calculations, tetragonal Fe-Co alloys were proposed as promising materials that combine the desired large values of K u and M s [4]. The advantages of the suggested alloys, as compared to other materials considered for magnetic storage [3], are their about 50% larger saturation magnetization, the huge perpendicular MAE, and the possibility to tailor the MAE by changing the alloy concentration. In addition, Fe-Co alloys do not require as high deposition temperatures as, e.g., chemically ordered L1 0 FePt [5], which has received considerable attention recently. From the calculations it was found that, for certain values of the ratio c=a, between the lengths of the body-centered tetragonal (bct) crystal's c and a axes, and for specific alloy concentrations, very high values of K u 800 eV=atom can be expected. This MAE, which is larger by 3 orders of magnitude than for bcc Fe, occurs theoretically for a composition of about Fe 0:4 Co 0:6 and c=a 1:20-1:25. Also, the predicted easy axis of magnetization for the tetragonal alloy is along the c axis, which facilitat...