The presence of immigrants and their activities challenge traditional notions of citizenship centred on the conflation of national and state membership. Four dimensions of citizenship--defined here as membership in a socio-political community--are identified: legal status, rights, identity, and participation. Discussion centres on the constraints and determinants of naturalization, the extent to which rights are linked to personhood rather than membership in a nation-state, and the challenge to state identity and cohesion produced by multiculturalism. It is suggested that future research should consider citizenship as participation. This dimension highlights how immigrants' transnational activities challenge traditional views of citizenship. We cannot, however, dismiss the importance of the state. The concept of participation is therefore also important since it focuses attention on dynamic interactions between the individual and the nation-state.
La presence des immigrants et leurs activitds remettent en question les notions traditionnellesde citoyennetd selon lesquelles les individus appartiennent dl un ]~tat qui correspond ?l une nation. La citoyennet~, d~ftnie ici comme dtant l'appartenance d~ une communautd sociopolitique, comporte quatre dimensions: le statut Idgal, les droits, l'identitd et la participation. Le ddbat es t surtout ax~ sur les contraintes et les ddterminants de la naturalisation, sur la relation entre les droits et le citoyen en tant qu'individu plutSt que membre d'un ~tat-nation, et sur la menace que reprdsente le multiculturalisme pour l'identitd et la cohdsion de l'(~tat. Selon l' auteur, la dimension de participation sera une piste importante ~ suivre ?~ l' avenir. Dans le cas des immigrants dont les activitds sont transnationales, cette dimension montre les limites des iddes traditionnelles de citoyennet~. Nous ne pouvons toutefois pas ignorer l'importance de l'~tat. L?z encore, le concept de participation met en relief les interactions dynamiques entre l'individu et l'(3tat-nation.The past decade has seen a marked resurgence of discussion and interest in the concept of citizenship, with debates taking place not only in scholarly circles, but also among policy analysts, politicians, and in the popular press. At the cusp of a new millenium, it seems appropriate to review this literature. Of particular interest is how immigrants, through their migration and 0 2000 by PCERII. All rights reserved./Tous dmits rOserv6s.