In the paper, the authors give a brief review of studies in the field of the neuroscience of consciousness in order to prove the following key point of the future human image: lifelong learning is the posthuman need. As well as new physical culture, which the authors have examined in the previous article, lifelong learning is the second key feature of the future human image. The authors have used the dialectical, scientific and formal logical methods of philosophy in order to fulfil the task. The novelty of the study is the substantiation of lifelong learning based on the neuroscience of consciousness, as well as the consideration of lifelong learning as a special culture that ensures the continuous development of the neural basis of consciousness. As a result of the study, the authors came to the following conclusions: а) lifelong learning is a special culture that provides continuous development of consciousness in ontogenesis; b) lifelong learning need as culture is due to dynamic neural basis of consciousness, which requires special conditions for full development in ontogenesis.