E nergy levels, lifetim es, and wave function com positions have been com puted for all atom ic states o f the 4 p b and 4 p 54d configurations using the m ulticonfiguration D irac-H artree-Fock m ethod. C alculations w ere done by parity and the configuration state function expansions w ere obtained by allow ing single and double substitutions from the the 4 p b and 4 p b4d single references w ith orbitals in an orbital set that w as extended to n = 7 and all possible angular sym m etries. L ifetim es are com puted from E l, E 2, and M \ transitions betw een these levels. E nergy levels and transition energies (or w avelengths) are com pared w ith other theory and experim ent, w hen available. T ransition data for the 4 p b 'S0 -4 p 54d J = 1 transitions are investigated in detail w ith respect to convergence o f transition energies and the length and velocity form s o f the line strengths. By classifying the upper states by J, parity (7r), and position, the com positions o f the states w ith the sam e three quantum num ber change sm oothly as a function o f the nuclear charge Z and transition energies and transition m atrix elem ents can be approxim ated by polynom ial expressions in Z . A zero in the transition m atrix elem ent for the 'S0 -3P,° transition leads to a long lifetim e at Z « 58.