Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency introduced as a cryptographic
proof-based electronic payment system in 2009. Till now approximately
more than 10,000 digital coins are active in the crypto market.
Cryptocurrency is a virtual digital asset that uses cryptography and
blockchain technology for transaction verification and records
maintenance. Its trading is gaining attention due to volatile behavior,
decentralized nature, and liquidity in this digital asset. Trading this
digital asset provides anonymity and security in transactions.
Groundless fluctuations in its price contribute to making its trade
risky. Market Prediction of the cryptocurrency is trending because it
can reduce the trade loss risk. Data related to this market is vast and
publicly available on the internet. It is nearly impossible to infer the
market by simple data analysis. Statistical price prediction approaches
are less effective due to the absence of seasonality in cryptocurrency
market data. Therefore researchers proposed efficient price prediction
techniques utilizing statistical, algorithmic, and neural network-based
Machine Learning models. This paper provides a detailed literature
survey related to the state-of-the-art Machine learning-based prediction
methodologies for the market prediction of the digital asset from 2014
to 2022. This research will categorize, summarize, and review the
existing research in cryptocurrency market prediction using Machine
Learning classifiers. This paper will benefit researchers to be
productive in the right direction in the future.