“…Passive-based cloud algorithms typically rely on a visible channel for retrieving cloud optical depth (the vertically integrated cloud extinction coefficient) and an absorbing nearinfrared channel for estimating cloud effective radius (r e , the ratio of the third to the second moment of the droplet size distribution), which, in turn, can be utilized for indirectly estimating liquid water path. Numerous studies have documented factors that can possibly bias the passive satellite cloud retrievals based on bi-spectral algorithms, including among others subpixel variability, clear-sky contamination, solar and viewing angles effects, and three-dimensional radiative effects (e.g., Marshak et al, 2006;Kato et al, 2006;Zhang et al, 2012). Despite these sources of uncertainty, comparisons between in situ aircraft data and MODIS retrievals for marine stratocumulus clouds have shown excellent correlations for effective radius, optical depth, and liquid water path in the eastern Pacific and northeast Atlantic (Painemal and Zuidema, 2011;Painemal et al, 2012;Noble and Hudson, 2015;Zhang et al, 2017).…”