The aim of the study was to identify if amoxicillin is the drug of choice for dentoalveolar abscess. The retrospective evaluation was conducted using data provided by a private hospital. 86000 patients had reported to the outpatient department, a private hospital between June 2019 and March 2020, and the data was collected and analyzed. Patients diagnosed with dentoalveolar abscess were selected for the study. The antibiotic prescribed for treatment was recorded. A retrospective analysis was done based on the collected data. The data was entered in a methodical manner [serial number, name, age, gender, tooth number. Statistical analysis was performed in the statistical software SPSS and data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Chi-square test. The retrospective study consisted of 27 subjects infected with Dentoalveolar Abscess. In this study we observed that 100% of the patients affected with dentoalveolar abscess were prescribed Amoxicillin and the most affected individuals among the study population belonged to the young adult population (age group 18-35 years) [51.85%], followed by patients aged 36-55 years [33.33%] and least affected belonging to age group 56-75 years [14.81%]. Around 74.07% of the population were prescribed Amoxicillin alone, 18.51% have prescribed a combination of Amoxicillin and Metronidazole, followed by 7.4% of the study population were prescribed the combination of Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid. Within the limits of this study, we find that the drug prescribed for Dentoalveolar abscess in a private dental hospital is predominantly Amoxicillin. Hence, we conclude that amoxicillin is the drug of choice for dentoalveolar abscesses.